"Dear Lord, save us from ourselves."
Posted by Ronda Conger onDid you know the average American checks their phone 150 times a day? That's more than we've hugged our loved ones in the past month... - PureWow Blog Let's repeat that, we look at our phones more than we hug the people WE LOVE. Our social interaction has dwindled since...
Clear your mind...
Posted by Ronda Conger onWould you believe me if I told you that meditation can boost your immune system, reduce loneliness, and cultivate willpower? If not, read this article here, then download the Buddify App (only $4.99 and makes meditation easy) and start meditating away because the benefits are ENDLESS!
You're alive and today is amazing!
Posted by Ronda Conger onHow's it going? Case of the Monday blues or maybe your 30 minute commute just really set you off wrong. Well, guess what?! YOU ARE ALIVE. So don't worry, change that attitude that no one wants to witness right now, and put into action these few thoughts to turn that...
Work, then WORK HARDER!
Posted by Ronda Conger onMost of us know Mark Cuban, right? The guy off Shark Tank... he owns the Dallas Mavericks... did we mention that he's an American Billionaire?! He must be doing something right! Checkout the Seven Things That Mark Cuban Said That Made Me Work Harder Than Ever by Teddy Lim, then...
We're not saying join AA...
Posted by Ronda Conger onCome on now, we all know alcohol is not healthy for you - any way you put it! We're not saying go cold turkey but if you must have one, prep yourself to be successful from the after effects and limit your intake! Check out this fun graphic and see how...
- Tags: Energy