It's simple and short.
Demand excellence. Demand the best. Why settle for anything less? Even Seth Godin believes it:
Demand higher standards
On a long flight a little while ago, I saw two couples watch movies while they let their six kids run around like maniacs from take off to touchdown. A seven-year old actually punched me. (I didn't return the punch).
A few days later, I saw the now-typical sight of kids in a decent restaurant eating french fries and chicken fingers while watching a movie on a tablet.
And it's entirely possible you have a boss that lets you do mediocre work, precisely whenever you feel like it.
I wish those kids had said, "Mom, Dad, raise your standards for me. I deserve it."
And the sooner you find a boss who pushes you right to the edge of your ability to be excellent, the better.
Even if the boss is you.
Courtesy of Seth Godin.
What's mediocre in your life? It's time you raise the bar and rid yourself of mediocrity. No excuses, no procrastination - as Nike would say, "JUST DO IT"!